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3. ročník
Family and Friend 1 , WORDLIST, WORDLIST (2nd ed.)
Videá a nahrávky Family and Friends 1, 2nd edition (YouTube)
4. ročník
Family and Friend 2WORDLIST, WORDLIST (2nd ed.)
Videá a nahrávky Family and Friends 2, 2nd edition (YouTube)
Hello! 1. Colours - E
2. Colours - draw
3. UNIT St -vocabulary - FC, E
4. Numbers 1-10 - E
5. Numbers - pexeso 1 - 10
6. Numbers - count - E
7. Numbers - G
8. Days of the week - L
9. Days - E
10. Days of the week - Hangman
Welcome back! 1. My family
2. Colours and numbers
3. He's got/ She's got... (FF2)
4. Colours - PEXESO
5. Sentences (FF2)
6. Numbers - 11 - 20
7. Who am I? - R
8. Body Parts - E
1. What's this? 11. PV - Colours (WG8B3S)
12. UNIT 1 - vocabulary - FC, E
13. UNIT 1 - vocabulary - E
14. School things - PEXESO
15. School things - hangman
16. PV - School things (S5SOY5)
Our new things 9. Clasroom - listening
10. UNIT 1 - vocabulary - FC
11. UNIT 1 - vocabulary - G
12. UNIT 1 - vocabulary - E
13. School things - CW
14. School things - WS
15. This, that, these, those
16. These, that, these, those - M
2. Playtime! 18. UNIT 2 - vocabulary - FC, E
19. UNIT 1, 2 - vocabulary - CW
20. School things, toys - G
21. Toys - Quiz
22. UNIT 2 - sentences - E
They're happy now!
16. Feeling - Talking - V
17. UNIT 2 - vocabulary - FC
18. UNIT 2 - vocabulary - E
19. UNIT 2 - vocabulary - E, CW
20. Ask and answer
3. This is my nose! 23. Who am I? - R
24. Body Parts - song
25. The body 1 - worksheet
26. The body 2 - worksheet
27. UNIT 3 - vocabulary - CW
28. Body and face 1., 2. - E
I can ride a bike! 21. UNIT 3 - vocabulary - FC
22. UNIT 3 - vocabulary - E
23. Prepositions  2. - E
24. Preposition - L
25. VIKI - I can ride a bike! (UZ13TM)
Review 1 29. Review 1 - worksheet Review 1
4. He's a hero! 30. UNIT 4 - vocabulary - FC, E
31. UNIT 4 - vocabulary - E
32. UNIT 4 - vocabulary - CW
33. Jobs - Match
Have you got
a milkshake?
26. Fruits - listening
27. UNIT 4 - vocabulary
28. UNIT 4 - vocabulary - FC, E
29. UNIT 4 - vocabulary - CW
30. Numbers 0 - 100 - count
31. Numbers 0 - 100 - test
32. Numbers 0 - 100 - G (post letter)
5. Where's the ball? 34. UNIT 5 - vocabulary - FC
35. UNIT 5 - vocabulary - E
36. UNIT 5 - vocabulary - CW
37. Prepositions 1. - E
38. Preposition - Quiz
We've got English!
33.  School instructions - L
6. Billy's Tedy! 39. Family - video1, video2, video3
41. Family - Match
42. Family - Anagram
43. Family tree - L
Let's play after school! 34. PV - I play football (play1)
Review 2 44. Slovná zásoba - T
Review 2
7. Are these his trousers? 45. Clothes - listening
46. UNIT 7 - vocabulary - FC, E
47. UNIT 7 - vocabulary - CW
48. Abeceda - hlásky
49. Abeceda - usporiadanie
50. Abeceda - nasledujúce písmeno
51. Alphabet song - 1., 2.
Let's buy presents! 35. UNIT7 - Cards
36. UNIT7 - Match up
36. UNIT7 - Hangman
37. UNIT7 - Wordsearch
8. Where's Grandma? 52. UNIT 8 - vocabulary - FC, E
53. UNIT 8 - vocabulary - E
54. UNIT 8 - vocabulary - CW
What's the time? 38. Clock
39. Time - L
40. PV - What's the time? (clock)
41. Daily Routine 1., 2. - L
42. When/Where/What - E
43. UNIT 8 - sentences - E
9. Lunchtime! 55. Food - song
56. UNIT 9 - vocabulary - FC
57. UNIT 9 - vocabulary - E
58. UNIT 9 - vocabulary - E
59. Food  - L
Where does
she work?
44. UNIT 9 - vocabulary - WW
45. UNIT 9 - reading - WW
46. UNIT 9 - sentences - WW
47. UNIT 9 - answers - WW
Review 3
Review 3 48. PV - It's ten o'clock. (DYK1ZR)
49. PV - What do you do every day? (UGFC96)
10. A new friend 60. UNIT 10 - vocabulary - FC, E
61. UNIT 10 - vocabulary - E
62. My friends - R
It's hot today!
11. I like monkeys 63. Animals - listening

a) školské veci
b) povolania
c) oblečenie
d) jedlo
e) tvary, vlasy
f) zvieratá
What are you wearing? 50. UNIT 11 - vocabulary - FC, E
51. UNIT 11 - vocabullary - E, CW
52. Time - flashcard Clothes - L, E
53. Time - G
54. Telling the time - V
55. Clothes - L, E
56. Earth Day - G
12. Dinnertime! 65. UNIT 12 - vocabulary - FC, E
66. UNIT 12 - vocabulary - E
You're sleeping!
Review 4 Review 4
13. Tidy up!
67. Numbers 11 - 20 - find
68. Numbers 11 - 20 - count
69. UNIT 13 - translate
Označ správne - opakovanie
Look at all the animals! 57. UNIT 13 - vocabulary - FC, E
58. UNIT 13 - vocabulary - CW
59. Adjectives - E
60. UNIT 13 - translate
14. Action Boy can run! 71. Slovesá - E
72. Slovesá - L
73. Slovesá - pexeso
UNIT 14 - translate
Look at the photos! 61. UNIT 14 - vocabulary - FC, E
62. UNIT 14 - vocabulary - CW
63. Memories - 
worksheet - tab.
64. was/wasn't, were/weren't
65. Sentences - E
66. Our school play - R
UNIT 14 - translate
15. Let's play ball? 75. Priradenie viet k obrázkom
76. Slovná zásoba - obesenec
UNIT 15 - translate
Well done! 68. UNIT 15 - translate
Review 5 78. Review 5 - translate Review 5 69. Review 5 - translate
  • EnglishOne:
    • Úloha: Názov: Kód: Doplňujúce slová:
      1. úloha: Tidy up the classroom! kotesova1 tidy up - upratať
      come on - poďme
      children - deti
      2. úloha: Close the window! kotesova2
      3. úloha: What's your favourite number? kotesova3 spell - hláskovať
      4. úloha I can count to twenty! kotesova4
      5. úloha Nine or nineteen? kotesova5
      6. úloha What colour's your desk? kotesova6 desk - lavica, pracovný stôl
      7. úloha This isn’t my pencil case. kotesova7
      8. úloha What colour's your bag? kotesova8 spaceman - kozmonaut
      9. úloha Can you spell your name? kotesova9 welcome - vítať, uvítať
      I'm from France. - Som z Francúzska.
      10. úloha Are you happy, happy, happy? kotesova10
  • učebnice: N. Simmons: Family and Friends 1, 2
    • OUP - doplňujúci materiál k učebniciam
  • odkazy: 
  • čítanie:
  • vysvetlivky:
    • CW - Crossword - tajnička
    • FC - Flashcard - tréning slovnej zásoby
    • E - Exercises - cvičenia na precvičenie slovnej zásoby a gramatiky
    • L - Listening - cvičenia najmä na počúvanie
    • R - Reading
    • V - Video
    • M - Matching
    • T - triedenie podľa slovnej zásoby
    • WS - Worksheet - pracovné listy
    • G - Game - hry
    • PV - Planéta vedomostí (v zátvorke prístupový kód)